Street United
A response to street homelessness
Signposting street homeless and vulnerably housed people to services available locally, including homeless friendly GP practices.
Food & Clothes
Meeting immediate needs through providing warm food and drinks, clean socks and seasonal clothing.
Joint Working
- Working with Services
- Access to health
- Working with landlords
- Awareness Raising
You may donate your NEW unwanted hats, scarves and gloves
Manchester has been identified as the region’s “homeless hotspot”. Nearly 4000 people are now homeless and almost 2000 people are living in temporary accommodation or are street-homeless.
During periods of extreme weather, people are at their most vulnerable. When temperatures drop, many people sleeping rough will drink alcohol or take substances to help them get off to sleep in the cold. This has many ramifications for their body and its ability to regulate temperature. In these times, street-homeless people are at high risk of hypothermia, and it is our desire to ensure that we can help in a small way.
Asylum seeker-led initiative to provide warm drinks and seasonal clothing for rough sleepers in Manchester
We all face the consequences when so many grow up without a place to call home.
Anybody who lives, works or travels through Manchester cannot have failed to spot the large rise in street-homelessness over recent years. Additionally, many people who become homeless not showing up in the official figures. This is known as hidden homelessness. This includes people who become homeless but find temporary or partial solutions by staying at friends and family, living in squats or other insecure accommodation. According to homeless charity “Crisis”, approximately 62% of single homeless people are hidden and may not show up in official figures.

Together we can make an impact on all the forgotten citizens of Manchester.

Street United coordinators and volunteers try, as appropriate, to connect with every street homeless person who comes into contact with Street United and establish why they are sleeping rough and what barriers they may have faced in accessing mainstream services. The coordinators also share their own challenges and successes in accessing healthcare, housing etc. with homeless people who are facing similar situations.
Despite limited financial resources, our strength is our commitment to work directly with street homeless people to make sure that we play our part in supporting our community.

Covid-19 has placed Providers of services for the homeless and vulnerably housed under increasing pressure. Accordingly, we offer support with food collection from supermarkets and distribution, across a wide range of homeless drop-ins and support services.